This time of year the question "What do we need to have and know to farrow our first gilt?" shows up in our inbox and on social media a bunch. We aren't going to go into facilities except to say you need somewhere that you can keep 70 degrees or so draft free and provide supplemental heat for the pigs. The first list of things are what you might need if you have to assist her. As a rule we try to avoid assisting if we can but show pig producing gilts are decidedly not maternal and sometimes we have to help. We like to tell folks to get two rubbermaid like totes. One for the farowing gear and a second in case you want to split suckle. (More on that latter.) Inside the first tote you want to have at a minimum OB Sleeves , lubricant , pig puller, chlorhexidine disinfectan t, a small bucket, paper towels, a bottle of calcium gluconate , syringes and needles, and a spray bottle of iodine. In addition to what is in the contai...