TrueTrac Cattle I watched a steer show not that long ago and the heavier the cattle got the more it sounded like someone poured milk on some rice krispies. There was a lot of popping going on as those heavier steers walked in. It prompted me to rethink a project we started a few years ago and just didn’t finish. I pulled up those old documents and the trials we did, reworked the formula a bit based on some things we’ve learned since then and the result is TrueTrac Cattle. TrueTrac Cattle follows the same principles of our very popular swine TrueTrac product. Because it works, TrueTrac has become the industry standard for joint health in show pigs Since part of our mission statement is simply to tell the truth that’s what we’re going to do. A big contributor to popping pasterns is cattle that don’t have enough flex so they compensate in their pasterns. There isn’t a lot a supplement company can do abo...
In 2015, a group of researchers from both private companies and Texas A&M University studied the effects of a combination of chelated trace minerals and eggshell membrane as an intervention and prevention of degenerative joint disease (DJD) and osteoarthritis. (OA) in multiple species including swine. In a nutshell, they found that supplemental chelated trace minerals were effective in both sows and gilts, reducing the culling rate for lameness by over 35%. This and other similar studies are why when we formulated TrueTrac we began with specific chelated trace minerals as the foundation. In the spring of 2019 we did a study in growing show pigs split into three groups. Our product TrueTrac is a combination of chelated trace minerals, acidified citrus pulp, egg shell meal and other ingredients intended to nutritionally support joint health. Group 1 were controls and they were not supplemented with TrueTrac. T...